Julie Wood, Office Manager

Office Manager

A native of Denver, Colorado, Julie found herself saying goodbye to the mountains, and headed off to the ocean in California for college. Julie graduated from Pepperdine University in Malibu with a Spanish minor and teaching credential and began her future career teaching 6th grade in Thousand Oaks, CA. After meeting her husband, Julie moved to the Bay Area and began teaching middle school, earning her master’s degree in Multicultural Education along the way. Julie found teaching to be one of the most amazing and rewarding professions and loved every day. While teaching in Portola Valley, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley, Julie was offered a job at a Venture Capital firm in their finance department. This opportunity was something new and exciting, and as it happened to be the year 2001, the dot-com boom was in full swing. It was the perfect time to fall in love with the fast-paced cutting-edge world of investing in companies and individuals, and Julie couldn’t turn it down. It was a completely new environment, and one that she very much enjoyed. As her family grew and kids got older, she returned to her roots, and ended up homeschooling her 3 children through middle school, while tutoring on the side.

In 2017 Julie and her family found themselves headed to Oregon to be near family. She has met so many wonderful people here, moved a fine art printing business here, and have added two new Australian Shepherds to the family.  Her daughter Kaitlyn is now a senior at the University of Oregon where she is a human physiology major; her son Ryan will be a sophomore at Oregon State University studying mechanical engineering, hoping to someday invent a very fast and lightweight motorcycle, and youngest son Noah is a senior at Summit High School enjoying friends and sports. When she is not working at CFS or tutoring students around Bend, she is out walking the river trail with her dogs, paddle boarding on the Deschutes, or enjoying a nice cup of coffee with a friend.

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